Take a look below and meet all of our members that make it possible to have such a wonderful bookclub. Our contributors who go above and beyond to help generate content for our website. And lastly, our officers who work so hard and tirelessly to bring it all together. 

We are secondary and high school students living in Viet Nam.The reason we created the book club is for reading classic and grade level literature in english with the support of one another and our teachers. The goal of the club is to provide each student with a deeper understanding, comprehension, and appreciation of each book we read then we could achieve on our own. Our monthly meetups allow us to discuss and share our experiences reading each month’s book in person while having fun. It’s also important for us to make an impact in our community and we hope to do things like reading groups for younger children and book drives for less fortunate ones. If you want to make friends but also level up your English skills, why don’t you join us? It’ll be such an amazing club, where everyone knows that there is a place for them to express themselves, we promise.

Meet our Officers

The Bookclub, like all ACADEMY clubs, are 100% student organized and run and it would not be possible without our officers. They are constantly working hard behind the scenes to ensure that the bookclub provides the best environment and experience for all of its members.

Bảo <br> Hà

Bảo Hà is the face of our club and its biggest cheerleader. You can always find her inspiring and encouraging members. She makes reading and the meetups fun and our group will never be boring with Bảo Hà leading the way.

Bách Nguyên

Vice President
Bách is a textbook utility player and the club would be very different without him. He 's a passionate self-starter and is involved with nearly all aspects of the club. Bách is the proverbial glue that holds the club together.

Minh Khánh

Minh Khánh is our banker and elder stateswoman. Reserved, organized, and a brilliant scholar that is always two steps ahead of the rest of us. Every project needs money and Minh Khánh ensures that the club has it.

Khánh Văn

Văn is our club historian and likely responsible for more than all the officers together. So much in fact she has her own team to get it all done. Website, photos, newsletters, achievement program; she does it all!

Sang <br> Su

Su is the cliche IT guy. Trouble with your login? Locked out of your account? Call Su. If this were his only job he would probably quit. Lucky for him and us then that he gets to build our website and any future projects we come up with.

Meet our Contributors

Our contributors are members that are the most motivated and passionate about reading books. In addition to reading the monthly bookclub books our contributors not only read additional books each month but also write reviews so that they can share their favorite books with all of you.



SINCE 2022

Jane Doe


SINCE 2022

Jane Doe


SINCE 2022

Jane Doe


SINCE 2022

Meet our Members

We have a diverse membership that  represent many different grades across many different schools. Perhaps the only thing that all our members have in common is their passion for books and reading.