Hoàng’s Top 5 Books

Đất rừng phương Nam

Đất rừng phương Nam(quick translate: the Southern land) is a short novel written by Đoàn Giỏi and was first published in 1957. Đoàn Giỏi was borned in 1925 and passed away in 1989. He has other pseudonyms such as: Nguyen Hoai, Nguyen Phu Le, Huyen Tu. Being a son of Tien Giang, his works often talk about the wild, majestic scenery of the southern land and the warm-hearted and enthusiastic people there.

Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội

Tuoi tho du doi (quick translate: Bizzare childhood) is a novel written by Phung Quan. The novel was published in 1988 and recieved the state prized for literature and art in 2007, therefore became one of Phung Quan most popular works. The book was made into a movie in 1990. Phung Quan was born in 1932, Thua Thien Hue. In 1945, he joined the National guard (he was 13 at the time)