Contributors are our most motivated and passionate members. Each contributor has their own webpage that they maintain so that they can share with all of you the things they find most interesting. Check them out now!

Suin is a 7th grader in Hưng Yên, Việt Nam. She is an avid reader and polyglot. She enjoys reading multiple genres but her favorite is manga. Fun fact - Suin likes to write her book reviews in the language that she reads it in.
- Phone:0391234567

Khánh Văn
Van is a 9th grader in Hưng Yên, Việt Nam. She is an avid reader and enjoys reading many different kinds of books. Her favorites are modern and popular fiction. Văn is the Secretary of our bookclub and she and her team are responsible for all of the website content and a million other things!
- Phone:0391234567

Bảo Hà
Bảo Hà is a 9th grader in Hưng Yên, Việt Nam. She is an avid reader, really enjoys Vietnamese Literature, and her favorite author is Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. Bảo Hà is also President of the bookclub and is our consummate reading cheerleader!
- Phone:0391234567

Đăng Hoàng
Đăng Hoàng is a 9th grader in Hưng Yên, Việt Nam. He loves to read and in particular loves non-fiction books; especially History books. Fun fact - Hoàng is famous for randomly sharing mini history lessons in our bookclub Zalo group.
- Phone:0391234567

Rudy is a 7th grader in Hưng Yên, Việt Nam. She doesn't like to read and doesn't like to write. She likes to sleep and watch Tik Tok but her dad makes her do this instead.
- Phone:0391234567