You can find two different types of book reviews on our website. Club reviews for the book we read each month and individual club reviews for books members read on their own.
At our meetup each month, every member fills out a review survey. Our secretary collects each survey, averages the overall score, and uses member comments to write an aggregate book review that accurately reflects the opinions of all club members. You can find these reviews below. Enjoy!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Đảo mộng mơ
Làm bạn với bầu trời
Đất rừng phương Nam
Tuổi Thơ Dữ Dội
나 혼자만 레벨업 Volume I

Meet one of our best contributors!
Our club is filled with avid readers for whom reading one book a month will never be enough. Our most passionate members have volunteered to be contributors so that they can share their favorite, and maybe not so favorite, books with all of you. If you like what you read check out the contributors page for more!
- All Reviews
- Children
- Historical Fiction
- Manga
- Vietnamese
- Young Adult